LPT Realty
Marketing Genius Group

Dominate Your Local Market with the Marketing Genius Group

Our mission is to equip you with cutting-edge tools, proven strategies, and personalized support to help you close more transactions and thrive in your business.

Whether you’re just starting out or an experienced professional, our team is here to help you take charge and dominate your market like never before! Join us and unlock your full potential.

Our Realtor "Zip Code" Strategy

Real estate is inherently local, so our marketing strategies begin by targeting your home zip codes. We’ll guide you through the techniques outlined below to help you dominate both the listing and buying market share. Our approach combines traditional print advertising with Google and Facebook lead-generation tactics, along with localized social media strategies to maximize your impact.

aerial view of city during daytime
aerial view of city during daytime
Fastest Growing Brokerage
Powerful Lead
Generation Strategies
Industry Leading Technology Platforms
turned on black and grey laptop computer
turned on black and grey laptop computer
people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers
people sitting down near table with assorted laptop computers

After expanding to 15,000 agents in every states in just two years, LPT Realty provides an advantage to more realtors.

Leverage our "zip code strategy" to identify high-potential neighborhoods for door-knocking and targeted marketing.

Leading CRM and tools to manage your leads, contacts, and transactions
all in one place.

Choose Your Own Compensation Plan

You have flexibility. Choose between $500 per file with a $5,000 cap or 80/20 with a $15,000 cap.

Business Builder

$500 a transaction / $5,000 Cap

Brokerage Partner

80/20 Split / $15,000 Cap

Marketing Genius Group helps realtors streamline and grow their business by optimizing the entire customer journey, from search to settlement.

Close More Deals Faster - Lofty CRM

Realtor Websites
AI-powered CRM
Social Studio
Transaction Management
Mobile App

SEO optimized, fully customizable

Virtual realtor assistant

Stay connected

Streamline your processes

Automated marketing

Maximize productivity

PropertyRadar is the leading data-driven platform for realtors. We empower you to put PropertyRadar to work by eliminating the middlemen and attracting new clients directly.

Target Smarter - PropertyRadar

Owner Outreach Simplified

Market to owners using enhanced public records data.

Visualize Your Market

Visually see and demonstrate your market as never before.

2x Your Earnings - Business Development

Not only will you be compensated as the realtor on the deal, for your purchasing clients, you will additionally be paid on the mortgage loan referral. Get paid up to .5% of the loan amount.

Join the live webinar in our FB Group

Work smarter by focusing on the right market.
Join us every Tuesday at 10am PST for an in-depth breakdown of how we help realtors up their game.

Fee Overview

$00 / month (required)


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Now, let’s dive into how our RevShare Program works...

Residual Income



Earn income on LOs
you recruit

You will earn 10 bps on closed loans for every LO you bring in.
This is called your Tier 1.

Earn income on the LOs your direct recruit brings in

When your direct recruit brings in LOs, you will earn 10 bps on their closed loans.
This is called your Tier 2.

Even earn income on your recruits, downline LOs

When the LOs you recruit, begin to bring on LOs, you’ll earn 5 bps on those LOs.
This is called your Tier 3.



You'll make at least $185,000 every year!

When your downline LOs recruit five loan officers & meet the annual company commission cap ($2 million loan volume), you hit $185,000 in RevShare comp and keep earning more from there:

Tier 1 -> you earn 10 bps / deal = $10,000
10 bps (.1%) x $2 MM (LOs loan volume) = $2,000 per Tier 1 LO

Tier 2 -> you earn 10 bps / deal = $50,000
10 bps (.1%) x $2 MM (LOs loan volume) = $2,000 per Tier 2 LO

Tier 3 -> you earn 5 bps / deal = $125,000
5 bps (.05%) x $2 MM (LOs loan volume) = $1,000 per Tier 3 LO

Share the love and spread the word!  As other loan officers come onto our platform driven by your referral, you'll grow another stream of income. Lets break down our RevShare Program.

Company Commission Cap Fee

After you meet your $20,000 annual maximum company cap, all net compensation goes back to you for the remainder of the year. You'll then incur a minimal Company Commission Cap Fee on the remaining deals you close that year. The more deals you close, the lower your per-deal fee.

$399 / per deal

On loans 0-12, after you've met your annual Company Commission Cap Fee.

On loans 13+, after you've met your annual Company Commission Cap Fee.

$99 / per deal

These fees are waived until February 28th, 2024.**

Level up to a
Premier Status...

Earn your way to Premier Status

Let us help you save time and grow your line with a dedicated support and concierge team that helps you build your downline. The Loan Officer Premier Statuses reset each year.





Recruit 10+ Loan Officers whom all reach the annual Company Commission Cap
Recruit 5+ Loan Officers whom all reach the annual Company Commission Cap
It all starts here- every Loan Officer begins at Silver status


  • Dedicated Recruitment Concierge (40-hrs per quarter)

  • Prioritized Marketing Support (40-hrs per quarter)

  • Reduction of fees


Recruit 5+ Loan Officers


  • Recruitment Concierge (20-hrs per quarter)

  • Marketing Support (20-hrs per quarter)

  • Recruitment Concierge (5-hrs per quarter)

  • Marketing Support (5-hrs per quarter)